+966 50 549 3970
About HSC
President's Word
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Company Introduction
Process of Operating, Maintaining, & Selling Assets in cost-effective way.
Our Motto
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Our Vision & Mission
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Our Objectives & Goals
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Official Documents
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Process of Operating, Maintaining, & Selling Assets in cost-effective way.
Our Services
HSCC Expertise
Project Management
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Value Engineering
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Studies & Design
Process of Operating, Maintaining, & Selling Assets in cost-effective way.
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Implementation Supervision
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Our Achievements
Project Management
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Value Engineering
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Studies & Design
Process of Operating, Maintaining, & Selling Assets in cost-effective way.
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Implementation Supervision
A vision statement is a document that states the current and future.
Prestige Clients
Contact us
Humoud Alsalmi
Value Is Our Motto
Supervision Projects
Administrative Building in Najran
College of Pharmacy at the University of Al-Jouf
Faculty of Science, University of Al-Jouf
Jouf University, Administrative Building
Prince Sultan Cultural Center and Jazan Municipality building
Taif University (Tarrba Branch)
Taif University (Raniah Branch)
Taif University (Khurma Branch)
College of Applied Medical Sciences - Shaqra
Aseer & Halaba Roads & Public Administration Building of Roads Bisha
Al Suivelh & Kingdom Roads Schemes - Hail
Electronic Training Building Technical College in Bisha
Electronic Training building Technical College in Tabuk
Electronic Training building Technical College Kowaiyia
Najran University Hospital - 500 Beds
Al Khobar Central Hospital - 500 Beds
Number (10) Social Security offices
Gymnastic Hall - Al Harriq
Rub'Al Khali Port Between Saudi Arabia & Oman
The Islamic Center At Old Senaiah
Water Tanks - Al Jouf
Residential Compound - 73 Villa
El Rehab Residential Compound - 48 Villa
Wadi Laban Palace
Logistics Warehouses
Technical Support For The OSG Project
Studies of the Secretariat & Its Municipalities
Ministry of Hajj Building & Umrah Affairs Building In Makkah
Rabie Al-Takief Factory
Technical Support Projects In Taif
Presidency of Meteorology & Environment Building In Jeddah
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About HSC
President's Word
Company Introduction
Our Motto
Our Vision & Mission
Our Objectives & Goals
Official Documents
Our Services
Project Management
Studies & Design
Implementation Supervision
Value Engineering
Project Management
Studies & Design
Implementation Supervision
Value Engineering
Prestige Clients
Contact us